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Services Planning, Development and Design

We plan, develop and design products that meet customers' true needs.

Elematec engages not only with customer's purchasing departments, but also with their design and development departments to identify their true needs. Our Sales and Marketing Depts, Development Dept., and Engineering Dept., work together to plan, develop, and design new parts and units based on needs ascertained based on even minor hints.

Our Engineering Dept. has experts in mechanical and electrical circuit design, as well as prototype equipment such as 3D CAD, 3D printers, and NC machine tools. In addition to utilizing these resources, we utilize our vast sales base to provide products that meet the needs of our customers based on the know-how and cutting-edge expertise which we have accumulated over the course of many years.

Value to be provided to customers


Give shape to customer needs along with technical capabilities

In order to provide solutions, such as those involving the proposal of construction methods and processes and subsequent selection of suppliers suitable for development when it comes to the undertaking of new product development, the Group has established a "Engineering Dept." with personnel who are knowledgeable in the fields of machinery and systems who possess experience working at manufacturers. The Group, which engages not only with customers' purchasing departments but also with various other departments such as design and development departments, can have our Sales and Marketing Depts, Development Dept., and Engineering Dept. work together to repeatedly conduct studies so that we can subsequently issue proposals for new parts, units, and other such elements in order to fully respond to various needs.


Demonstration of the ability to translate something into reality

The Group's Engineering Department also has experts in mechanical and electrical circuit design, as well as prototype equipment such as 3D CAD, 3D printers, and NC machine tools. By having various facilities in-house, we have a system in place which enables us to conduct sample prototyping and reliability testing while undertaking design, which means that we can respond quickly to customer needs.


Provision of accumulated know-how and expertise

The Group undertakes participation starting at the customer's product planning stage. The Group can propose the most suitable product which matches customer needs based on face-to-face communication that is undertaken with the customer while broadly leveraging elements encompassing the proven track records, know-how, and cutting-edge expertise which have all been cultivated since our foundation.

Ralated cases

Home Business Introduction Services Planning, Development and Design

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We can also arrange for items not listed in our product portfolio.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to consult with us regarding our services or transactions.