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1. Disclosure of corporate information


  • Timely and proper transmission of information
  • Enhanced internal control over financial reports

Activities in focus

Recognizing information disclosure as an important management issue, the Elematec Group considers it essential to maintain proper transparency through information disclosure in order to secure understanding of various stakeholders. We are thus committed not only to complying with legally required disclosures in timely and proper manners but also to proactively disclosing information that may be disclosed on the voluntary bases, so that our shareholders can acquire useful information for their investment decisions.

2. Thorough compliance and enhanced risk management


  • Understanding and spread of Code of Business Practice and Code of Ethical Conduct
  • Enhancement of risk management system
  • Thorough implementation of information security
  • Compliance with transaction-related laws and regulations

Activities in focus


To accomplish the management mission of "To Expand Good Relations and Create New Values for Society," the Elematec Group has established the "Code of Business Practice" and the "Code of Ethical Conduct" based primarily on legal/regulatory compliance, and performs various activities to ensure that these Codes are thoroughly communicated to, and spread understanding by, all officers and employees.

Risk management

The Elematec Group is committed to risk avoidance through enhancement of awareness about compliance with not only public laws/regulations but also internal regulations and rules, etc., and to implementation of measures for minimizing business risks through protection of corporate assets and reputation, as well as stakeholders' rights, through application of risk management based on regular analyses of, and proper actions against, risks in various fields.
We also enhance our organization system for preparedness for emergency situations by establishing the business continuity plan (BCP).

Code of Business Practice for officers and employees

Each officer/employee needs to be fully aware of the Code of Business Practice and to regulate his/her conduct conscientiously.

  • Act in full compliance with public laws and regulations, etc. under any circumstances.
  • Promote fair, transparent, and free competition.
  • Maintain sound and just relationships with political/administrative authorities.
  • Act sternly against any anti-social forces.
  • In overseas markets, respect local culture and customs, and manage business so that it can contribute to development of local communities.
  • Actively contribute to society as a good corporate citizen.

Information security policy

Elematec Corporation, with its subsidiaries, (hereafter collectively referred to as the "Elematec Group"), firmly establishes its position in the electronics industry and aims at further business development by providing our customers and business partners with multiple services. To this end, we have developed the "Information Security Policy" (hereafter referred to as the "Policy") based on the recognition that it is essential to emphasize security for information assets and enhance measures to prevent information leakage. The Elematec Group is firmly committed to compliance with the Policy and to proper maintenance of our information security management system.

3. Respect for humanity and proper maintenance of employees' work environment


  • Maintenance of safe and healthy work environment
  • Respecting human rights and understanding global cultural differences
  • Elimination of discrimination and harassment
  • Effective utilization of diverse human resources, development of professional capabilities, and implementation of fair evaluations

Activities in focus

At the Elematec Group, "human resources" are considered to be part of important management resources.
We ensure not only that local laws/regulations concerning recruitment, employment, and labor management of human resources are thoroughly observed in relevant countries but also that the "Code of Business Practice" and the "Code of Ethical Conduct" of the Elematec Group are distributed to all officers and employees to raise their awareness. Through these efforts, we are dedicated to maintaining and securing health and safety of all officers and employees, to respecting human rights, local cultures and customs of different countries and regions, and to elimination of discrimination, as well as fair and equitable treatment and provision of equal opportunities. We are also ready to accept diverse human resources for harnessing organizational energy, and to create opportunities for utilizing those resources.

4. Winning trust of business partners, and mutual development


  • Construction of business relationships based on fair rules
  • Establishment of trust-based relationships through smooth communication, and mutual development

Activities in focus

In order to win trust as a "manufacturing partner," the Elematec Group endeavors to promote fair procurement and optimized transactions for providing various and high quality products and global services, and mutual development with all business partners.
The Elematec Group also collaborates closely with all business partners, including our clients and suppliers, gives proper consideration for legal/regulatory compliance, environmental measures, and harmonized acts with society, to fulfill our social responsibilities as a corporate citizen.

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