Sosial Human Resources Strategy
Fundamental Concepts for Human Resource Development
Viewing human resources as vital assets, the Group has set forth our vision for the human resources we seek along with a Human Resources Development Policy based on our management principles and Medium-Term Corporate Strategy. We actively welcome diversity in human resources, and strive to energize our organizations and create opportunities for utilization of human resources.Based on these concepts, we recognize that developing human resources who respect diverse senses of value and who are able to adapt quickly to a rapidly changing market environment is the wellspring of business creation and growth.
Human Resources Development Policy
We make "Develop human resources who make contributions inside and outside the company by creating new value, developing customers, and continually pursuing improvements to work, enhancement of quality, and perfect execution of work" our policy for human resources development. Taking a medium- to long-term view of human resource development, we engage in efforts under six pillars that support our Human Resources Development Policy.

Education and Training
Education system
To support the growth of every employee, we have developed long term-oriented training that includes hierarchy-specific training and learning support programs. We offer equal opportunities for all executives and employees and at all levels of the organization. Combining programs by in-house and external instructors, our training aims to create varied opportunities to draw out creativity and innovation

1. Overseas OJT dispatch program
This program develops global human resources by letting young employees learn practical work as trainees at overseas local subsidiaries for a year. Through practical work and daily living, they acquire knowledge, skills, and an international perspective for global business. We operate practical work training programs for learning about local market trends, operations, and more, beginning with an understanding of overseas business practices.
2. Practical On-site Training
This training was achieved based a proposal from a sales front-line manager who wanted to implement practical training directly linked to the job to develop the sales skills of younger employees.
Experienced veteran employees serve as lecturers and set various tasks (e.g. delivery schedule management, quality issues, etc.) There is a discussion and presentation by each team on how to respond to the task. Cumulatively 88 employees have attended the training, and the training has proven meaningful by providing practical learning based on the instructors' experience.
3. HCP(Hybrid Communication program) training
This is training for officers and managers to learn coaching to further strengthen organizational collaboration. Cumulatively 88 officers and managers have participated in this training. Its aim is to create a more engaged organization by stimulating communication through the use of teaching and coaching in dialogue with subordinates.
4. Training for next-generation executives
This training is for officers to systematically learn about management to prepare them to become the next generation of executives. Specifically, understanding is deepened through case studies in logical thinking, business strategy, marketing, and finance. The training participants are 11 selected officers and general managers who attend a 12-session program over about eight months.
Diversity & Inclusion
The Group aims to ensure diversity by which people of differing races, nationalities, genders, and ages work together actively, and to promote equal opportunities and open communication among all executives and employees and at all levels of the organization. We energetically work toward human resources development and improvement of work environments. With regard to the latter, we aim to promote diverse and open work environments and to develop support programs that contribute to medium- to long-term career development, including our existing support program for balancing childcare with nursing care. We promote diversity in human resources under targets for the promotion of female executives and employees, foreign human resources, and midcareer hires.
Promotion of female officers and employees
We will continue to work on pipeline formation, career awareness building, and environmental improvement for each generation from a medium- to long-term perspective, and aim to achieve the following in FY2030 in order to increase the number of female officers and employees involved in management decision-making in the future. The proportion of female employees employed in career-track positions and the proportion of female employees in career-track positions is on an uptrend. Although the ratio of female managers has remained stable, we are working to improve the ratio by expanding education and training, as well as by improving the program.
- The ratio of female employees hired for career-track positions will be 30% (as of March 31, 2024: 30.6%)
- The ratio of female employees in career-track positions will be 15% (as of March 31, 2024: 9.6%)
- The ratio of female employees in management positions will be 5% (as of March 31, 2024: 1.9%)
Promotion of foreign nationals
To advance the strengthening of human resources development and improve personnel systems and to achieve competitive advantages on a global scale, we aim to achieve the following numbers by the FY2030. Education and training is being expanded in overseas subsidiaries, and the number of foreign human resources in senior management positions is increasing every year.
- Foreign human resources in senior management positions at overseas subsidiaries: about 50 (as of March 31, 2024: 40)
Promotion of midcareer hires
We hire with various backgrounds and specialties in midcareer. The ration of midcareer hires in management positions is more than 60%, while the ratio of midcareer hires on executive positions is more than 70%. The Company will keep to secure human resources for management and professionals, as well as to secure diverse human resources with different human races, nationalities, genders, and ages, and so on, with the following as our targets.
- Ration of midcareer hires in career-track positions: Maintain level of about 50 (as of March 31, 2024: 68.9)
Efforts to employ persons with disabilities
Elematec's employment rate of persons with disabilities is 2.9% (fiscal year ended March 2024), which exceeds the statutory employment rate (2.3%). We are working to create mechanisms that allow persons with disabilities to work according to their aptitudes, with the aim of realizing workplaces where all employees can play active roles.
We are making efforts to enable these employees' career advancement by offering employees with and without disabilities equal opportunities for education and for carrying out work matched to individual skills.
Work Style Reform(Creation of Comfortable Working Environments)
We believe that the creation of environments that allow all employees to maximize their capabilities will not only enhance motivation and desire to contribute but will also aid in securing outstanding human resources. As such, we engage in the following initiatives. Elematec will continue to expand and review each of these measures on an ongoing basis, with the aim of increasing labor productivity and corporate value.
- Promotion of work-life balance and diverse work styles
- Work-at-home system
- Promotion of use of paid leave
- Paid annual leave in hours
- Staggered working hours
- Support for balancing childcare with nursing care
- Adoption of employee benefits and welfare services
- Adoption of Cabinet Office vouchers for babysitter fee
Head office relocation
Our head office was relocated in October 2023. The previous two-floor office is now one floor and free address, allowing for more lively communication. Employees from different departments may be seated next to each other, which has the benefit of promoting mutual understanding.