The Ideal Employee
1. Global environmental actions and preservation
- Procurement and provision of environmentally friendly products/services
- Actions on environmental issues, as requested by society
- Consideration for biodiversity and actions on the problem of conflict minerals, etc.
- Promotion of resources recycling
- Prevention of global warming
Activities in focus
The Elematec Group, as a provider of commercially available products in the electronics industry, is expected to perform roles in, and fulfill responsibilities for, agile responses to the trend of social/environmental issues. We thus implement actions to contribute to environmental preservation, fulfillment of social responsibilities, passing benefits on to society, and economic developments, from the perspective of "sustainable development." Our officers and employees perform their daily operations with keen awareness about global environmental issues.
2. Peaceful coexistence with local communities and promotion of social CSR activities
- Promotion of CSR activities in collaboration with local communities and NPOs, etc.
- Supporting employees' volunteer activities
- Offering public donations for alleviation of sufferings of disaster victims
Activities in focus
In our efforts to promote global business deployment, the Elematec Group emphasizes importance of relationships with local communities and contribution to regional societies. In this light, we are promoting CSR activities, based on close human relationships, as well as educational assistance, environment and other local contributions, primarily in the form of assistance for restoration of local communities afflicted by natural and other disasters.
3. Communication with stakeholders
- Active communication with business partners
- Promotion of dialogs and information exchanges with shareholders/investors
Activities in focus
Through promotion of proactive disclosure of various corporate information, the Elematec Group ensures that our Group presence and activities can be adequately understood by not only our officers/employees and local communities, but also all stakeholders, including our customers, suppliers, shareholders, and investors. Furthermore, through dialogs and information exchanges with all stakeholders, we are also engaged in continuous improvement, review, and update of our overall Group management and business practices.