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In the electronics industry, the market size is expected to further expand over the medium to long term driven by rapid technological innovation (generative AI, 5G services, spread of IoT, progress of electrification in the automobile market, etc.).

Under these circumstances, in the increasingly competitive electronics industry, the Group will further strengthen its business in areas where demand is expected to grow and will be more focused on selling automotive-related materials, building up its finished products (Original Design Manufacturer, or ODM) business, and developing its environmentally friendly business.

Unit: millions of yen
  Financial Forecast for FY 2025
Profit from operating activities9,350
Profit before tax8,650
Net profit attributable to owners of parent6,000

The Group has voluntary adopted International Financial Reporting Standards(“IFRS”) instead of the Japanese Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“Japanese GAAP”) previously applied, beginning with the consolidated financial statements included in the Annual Securities Report for the year ended March 31,2024. Therefore, the forecasts for consolidated financial results for the ending March 31,2025 were prepared in accordance with IFRS, and the changes from the financial results for the year ended March 31,2024, for which Japanese GAAP was applied, are not shown.

Forecasts on future performance are based on the Judgement and assumptions of management using information presently available. Actual performance may greatly diverge from forecasts due to fluctuations in risks and various uncertainties, and changes in economic climate.

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